A slow growing native tree that maintains its juvenile, pyramidal form for up to 50 years. Narrow leathery leaves are an attractive Bronze-green colour. Smooth grey bark turning scaly when mature. Adult trees form a straight-trunked stately round headed tree. Grows best in rich, fertile, moist, well-draining soil and to apx 10m in 30 years. An excellent statement tree. |
Height x Width | 10+ |
Height Range | Tall 10+ |
Growth Rate | Slow |
Plant Type | Tree |
Shape / Habit | Narrow |
Country of Origin | New Zealand |
Similar to Consider | Rimu, Kahikatea |
Leaf Colour | Green / brown |
Flower Colour | Nil but has cones |
Specimen | Yes |
Accent | Yes |
Note: Growth, height and information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. |
NZ Native Trees
Black Bridge Nurseries has long been associated with an extensive range of New Zealand’s native flora. Whether you are needing a large Puriri tree to grace your lawn and draw the fat native pigeons or a ‘street lot’ of Pohutakawa ‘Maori Princess’ or ‘Maungapiko’ for a subdivision planting, there is a good chance that Black Bridge will have just what you are looking for. Our tree fern range is also growing and we can supply large Mamaku ‘Black Punga’ and Dicksonia’s that will finish a native planting perfectly. If we have not listed the species you are after, give us a call anyway, with 60,000 plus trees there’s a good chance we may just have your need tucked away somewhere.
- Description
One of the most popular native trees with almost black bark and glossy dark green leaves which are made up of several serrated leaflets. Sprays of rusty woolly petal-less flowers occur in early summer and present a curious reddish-brown effect. These are followed by small red fruit which attract birds. Prefers sheltered conditions in full sun in rich free-draining soil. Ideal as a specimen tree. Will grow apx 7 x 3m Height x Width 7 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Alectryon grandis, Vitex Lucens, Dysoxylum Spectabile, Planchonella costata, Myrsine salicina Leaf Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Red Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Good Shade Tree? Yes Screening Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Handsome NZ Native stately straight and erect trunk has smooth brown bark. Eventually grow to a large canopy tree. Small flowers appear in panicles in spring followed by attractive purple fruit in autumn which are the favourite of the Native Kereru pigeon. Likes rich deeply worked well drained soil. Height x Width 20 x 6 Height Range Tall 10+ Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Conical Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Planchonella costata, Alectryon Excelsa - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Orange Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Cordyline australis - Cabbage Tree Cabbage tree: An iconic New Zealand palm like tree. Long drooping slender leaves up to 1m long are clustered at the tips of the branches. Large heads of scented creamy white flowers in Nov produce nectar for bees, then fruit attracts birds from January-April. Commonly found throughout farmland, open places, wetlands and scrubland of the North and South Islands in anything from wet swampy ground to dry windy hill slopes. Hardy. Height x Width 6 x 2 Height Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Slow Plant Type Palm Shape / Habit Upright Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Nikau Palms - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour White Fragrant? Yes - Uses
Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A slender growing shrub with rich green foliage and masses of starry yellow flowers early summer followed by dark red berries. Attracts birds. Ideal as a hedge trims well. Will tolerate dry coastal exposed or windy sites once established. Height x Width 2 x 1.2 Height Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Shrub Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Pittosporums, Griselinia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Yellow Fragrant? No - Uses
Hedging Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A moderately fast-growing tree with large glossy green leaves. Small creamy-green flowers in September followed by large orange fleshy drupes in December. Very hardy withstanding strong winds coastal conditions and drought. An excellent specimen tree able to be trimmed to shape. Height x Width 15 x 8 Height Range Tall 10+ Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Alectryon Excelsa, Planchonella Costata, Magnolia grandiflora types, Vitex Lucens - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Cream Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Good Shade Tree? Yes Screening / Shelter Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Iconic New Zealand native fern and the inspiration of the national Emblem. A tree fern with green-stalked soft leaves to apx 4m long that are distinctly silver on the underside. Trunk can grow to 10m tall. Prefers a more sheltered position as they generally grow under larger native NZ Trees. Height x Width 8 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Slow Plant Type Palm Shape / Habit Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Cyathea medularis, Dicksonia squarrosa, Dicksonia fibrosa - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Nil - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
The tallest and most common of NZ’s tree ferns. Slender, black trunk to apx 15m with hexagonal patterns from old fronds, large crown of gracefully arching fronds up to 5m. Found primarily in sheltered coastal and lowland forest throughout much of the North Island. They will grow in full sun but still prefer to have a sheltered position with a cool moist root run. Height x Width 15 x 5 Height Range Tall 10m+ Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Palm Shape / Habit Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Cyathea dealbata, Dicksonia squarrosa, Dicksonia fibrosa - Leaf
Leaf Colour Dark Green - Flower
Flower Colour Nil - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
New Zealand’s largest Native tree. Grows in swampy areas but also grows well in dry flat and hilly locations between sea level and up to 600m once established. Medium wind tolerance. Height x Width 40 x 6 Height Range Tall 10+ Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Pyramidical Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiata, Olea El Greco, Knightia Excelsa, Dacrydium Cuprissinum, Acer Bowall, Poplar crow’s nest, Quercus robur fastigiata, Carpinus Betulus fastigiata, - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green bronze - Flower
Flower Colour Insignificant - Uses
Screening Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
One of the most widespread of New Zealand forest trees. The leaves are small and awl-shaped and form a weeping habit, bark falls away in heavy scales. In its juvenile form makes a handsome specimen with weeping branches. After many years develops into a broader tree more upright adult form. One of the most easily recognised large trees in the forest. Prefers cool moist conditions. Height x Width 30 x 5 Height Range Tall 10+ Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Pyramidical Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Olea El Greco, Knightia Excelsa, Carpinus Betulus fastigiata, Dacrycarpus Dacrydoidies - Leaf
Leaf Colour Dark Green - Flower
Flower Insignificant but produces berries - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Stout tree fern which can reach up to 6 m tall, though over a very long time, found in lowland and lower mountain forest. Distinguished by its thick fibrous, soft trunk. Fronds grow 1-2m in length forming dense crown. Dead fronds leave a tidy skirt beneath crown. While slower growing It does well in average garden conditions. This variety is suited to a sunny position or light shade. Height x Width 6 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Slow Plant Type Palm Shape / Habit Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Cyathea medularis, Cyathea dealbata, Dicksonia squarrosa. - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Nil - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Wheki or Brown Ponga is a hardy NZ native tree fern. It grows a tall, slender, brown trunk to approx 6m. Fronds can reach 1.5 to 3m in length which give it the appearance of a small “umbrella” on top of the trunk. It is the most popular New Zealand tree fern which is easy to grow and maintain. Hardiness and smaller dimensions make it an excellent garden variety. Height x Width 6 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Palm Shape / Habit Palm Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Cyathea medularis, Cyathea dealbata, Dicksonia fibrosa. - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Nil - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A small tree with a symmetrical habit. Long glossy light green leaves. Unusual yellow / green papery flower clusters in summer. Purpureum has red purple leaves and light red flowers. Will tolerate dry sandy or rocky soils, salt spray, windy areas and drought conditions. Ideal used as a wind or privacy screen and is useful in harsh conditions. Keep trimmed to maintain shape. Height x Width 3.5 x 2.0 Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Spreading Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider D. Purpurea. Myrsine salicina, Planchonella costata, - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Yellow green Fragrant? No - Uses
Screening / Shelter Yes Hedging Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A handsome coastal canopy tree with bold tropical-looking leaves. Naturally found throughout the North Island in coastal forest. Waxy white flowers grow from the stems and trunk and appear March to June. Plant in deep moist soil in frost free location. Fast growing. NZ Native. Height x Width 8 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Alectryon excelsa, Vitex Lucens, Planchonella costata, Myrsine salicina - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour White Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Good Shade Tree? Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Lime-green leaves are glossy with a slightly wavy edge. Can be clipped to form a hedge. Withstands coastal conditions strong winds and frosts. Height x Width 3 x 3 Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Shrub Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Griselinia Lucida, Ficus Tuffi, Ilex Largo, P. Cyril Watson, P. Laetus, Planchonella costata - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Insignificant - Uses
Screening Yes Hedging Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A most impressive plant with large rounded, very thick, glossy, lime green leaves. Excellent tropical hedge. Wind and salt resistant. Grows in sun or shade. Good drainage. NZ native. Height x Width 3 x 2 Height Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Shrub Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Syzygium resilience, Michelia Figo, Camellias, Pittosporums, Corokia, Ficus, Ilex largo, Olea El Greco, Eugenia Ventinatii - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Very small - Uses
Hedging Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Graceful evergreen with slender branches and fresh light green leaves, semi-glossy, veined and sharply toothed. From late summer through to autumn it conceals its foliage with masses of beautiful, starry, snow-white flowers. Excellent rapid screening. NZ Native Height x Width 5 x 3 Range Small 1-5m Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Planchonella costata, Alectryon Excelsa, - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour White Fragrant? No - Uses
Good Shade Tree? Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
Slender, erect, tapering tree with long green serrated leaves. Tubular reddish brown flowers in spring attractive to native birds. Ideal tree for smaller gardens and narrow spaces. Ok in coastal gardens. Avoid phosphate fertilizers. Height x Width 7 x 3 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Pyramidical Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiata, Olea El Greco, Dacrydium Cuprissinum, Acer Bowall, Poplar crow’s nest, Quercus robur fastigiata, Carpinus Betulus fastigiata, Dacrycarpus Dacrydoidies - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour Red Fragrant? No - Uses
Specimen Yes Accent Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A Fast growing spreading tree of varying form. Tiny needle like leaves are softer to touch than Manuka. In During summer small white flowers smother the tree giving an almost snow covering effect. Very attractive to bees. Larger growing tree than Manuka. Seeds smaller than Manuka. Will withstand windy coastal conditions, or dry soils once established. Height x Width 6 x 4 Height Range Medium 5-10m Growth Rate Fast Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Round Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Leptospermum scoparium - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Colour White Fragrant? No - Uses
Hedging Yes Bird Feeding Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control. -
- Description
A fast growing native with fresh green, oval, serrated foliage on shiny black branches. Remains in a columnar form for many years before eventually forming a large round-headed specimen tree. Thrives in swampy situations. Can reach a height of 40m but in a garden situation it is more commonly between 6-10m. Height x Width 10 x 4 Range Tall 10+ Growth Rate Moderate Plant Type Tree Shape / Habit Columnar Country of Origin New Zealand Similar to Consider Taxodium distichum, Dacrycarpus dacrydiodes, Quercus palustris - Leaf
Leaf Colour Green - Flower
Flower Insignificant - Uses
Accent Yes Screening / Shelter Yes Note: Growth, height and grade information are given in good faith but are subject to natural variables beyond our control.